Surrender Your Pet

We're here to help.

Church of Pug understands that the decision to surrender your pug/dog is not an easy one. We are not here to judge. We’re here to help. All original owner surrender information is kept confidential!

Church of Pug uses a combination of foster homes and boarding facilities for dogs currently in our rescue.

Church of Pug is proud to be a NO KILL rescue and will not turn away any pug regardless of age or medical condition. Church of Pug does our best to take pug-mixes and other small brachycephalic breeds (french bulldogs and boston terriers) under 30 lbs. Dogs with aggression or behavioral problems are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

If this is an emergency and cannot wait or cannot submit the online form below, please contact us by phone at 206-992-0708.

Please give us as much information (and truthful) as possible about the pug/dog so that we can find the perfect foster home to make the transition as easy as possible. Every pug in our care is treated as a loved member of the family in a foster home.


Want to know more about how the surrender process works?
Check out our FAQs.

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