Thank you for your interest in adopting a dog from Church of Pug. Since you're on this page, you're either serious about adopting, which we love, OR you live further away and you're wondering if we adopt out of the area.
Church of Pug is based out of Western Washington and most of our dogs are fostered in this area.
Church of Pug does adopt out of the area but there are a lot of factors that go into a decision to adopt out of the area.
First and foremost, the applicant MUST be willing and capable to travel here to pick up the pup. What's here? Since we're completely foster based and don't have a physical location, when we say "here" that actually means traveling to meet the foster in their foster home or at a mutual agreed upon location anywhere on the I-5/I-405 corridor between Olympia to Marysville, west on the peninsula to Bremerton and east on I-90 to North Bend.
If anything goes wrong or it's not a good fit, you're responsible to travel here to return the pup. The pup must be returned to Church of Pug only, not another rescue or shelter.
Out of the area and can't get "here"? Unfortunately, we simply can't adopt dogs out of the area if you can't get pick up locally. We've tried several times and when things go south, it's just too difficult - especially when we're a 100% volunteer organization. We encourage you to adopt at a rescue closer to home.
We do not ship or transport dogs.
Willing to fly here? That works for us, but it's important to remember not all dogs can travel by air. Some are simply too big or have too much anxiety for air travel. If air travel is required, a health certificate is typically required and must be obtained by the adopter after adoption at the cost of the adopter.
We don't put this out there to discourage you but we want to be honest.
Additionally, for most dogs, we have lots of applicants locally. Again, we are always looking for the best home for the pup, so we evaluate all applicants equally, but we do factor in complexity of travel, etc when homes are equally great.
We don't want to discourage you, but we value being honest and transparent in all that we do!
To find a rescue a little closer to home, we'd encourage you to utilize the following resources: