Mobility Success Stories

Moving around not as easy as it used to be?


Thinking it might be time for some mobility assistance?

Did you know Church of Pug was initially founded as a non-profit to serve pugs in Washington state (and the PNW) with free mobility resources?

We understand mobility assistance, especially wheelchairs, can be intimidating to owners. We also know, personally, just how hard it can be to admit your pug might need a little help moving around. Veterinarians aren't always as familiar with the different mobility resources either.

We have LOTS of mobility experience and are here to help with everything from providing mobility devices but also suggestions, tips and tricks to get your pug moving again!

Mobility Options

There are all sorts of solutions when it comes to mobility!

Strollers, ramps and stairs are a great starting point for many pugs!

Wheelchairs come in all shapes and sizes. There a 2 wheel and 4 wheel options too to help with mobility at all stages too!


Mobility Happily Ever Afters

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