Windsor came to Church of Pug already diagnosed with Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM). Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an immune system disorder in which the dog’s immune system identifies the dog’s own muscle tissue as foreign and attacks it. The masticatory muscles are the muscles involved with chewing. MMM causes these muscles to become swollen and painful. Dogs with MMM cannot open their mouths without excruciating pain. They cannot eat, chew, or pick up their toys!
Thankfully, we had a
Fluff Trough in our stash and this boy can eat so much better already! (Thank you so much to those who shop our wish list and send us these as they really are amazing and kept for our most medical need pups!)
Our greatest concern for Windsor right now is his skin (we’ll put a few pictures in the comments) and understanding his current state. We’ll be working on things slowly with him - seeing what we can do with food and probiotics too. He’ll be getting lots of love and TLC in his foster home and check in regularly with the vet to see how he improves.