I'm ready for my new family!


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Tito is a cute fawn/apricot pug, about 2 years old. He's sweet, smart, and stubborn - a typical pug. He is wearing a belly band in some of the photos but that was just the first couple of days to help protect his neuter incision from being licked. He hasn't worn a belly band since, and has not had an accident in the house.

Tito is in the process of being trained. We are working on: sit, lay down, stay, coming when called, no mouthing, leash walking, meeting other dogs on leash, not reacting to crows, squirrels, etc. on walks, not jumping on people, waiting to be invited on furniture, putting up with ear, teeth and paw cleaning.  He barks when left alone in the house, and we are working on that.  A stuffed Kong helps keep him distracted for short periods, which we are slowly increasing. On walks he's very friendly and likes to interact with other dogs. We just need to work on keeping the energy level manageable for those interactions.

Tito is eager to please, good-natured, affectionate and intelligent. He likes his squeaky hedgehog toy and often has an attack of pug zoomies after his morning walk.  Tito likes to play but is also a champion couch potato.  

Tito is very food and treat motivated. He enjoys his meals of kibble topped with cooked meat and veg. He needed to gain a little weight and now at 18 pounds is just about where he should be. Besides commercial dog treats, he also likes apples, blueberries, cheese, hot dog bites, and boiled egg (all in moderation of course). 

This adorable little guy would be a great addition to any home. He just needs patience and love to blossom into the best pug he can be.

  • Pug
  • Male
  • Youth (25 - 60 Months)My DoB is 07/01/2022 (Estimated)
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Fawn & Apricot
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I'm Currently In Training
  • $ 1,300.00
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