Rachelle and her sibling were set to be euthanized in a shelter in the Rio Grand Valley. Rachelle was heartworm positive when she came in (thankfully, her brother wasn’t ) and both she and her brother Rolie were absolutely terrified of humans, as well as had been abused and severely neglected before being picked up and were terrified and pancaked on the floor of the shelter...
We worked with a team of awesome helpers and swooped in to saved them both...We had a wonderful Pilots N Paws Pilot take them to their fabulous foster home in Texas where Rachelle received heartworm treatment and is now heartworm negative (as well as has one year of heartworm prevention on board) and then transported to Washington state after she was medically cleared via Texas tails Transport.
Rachelle is much more socialized now but still gets scared when going into a new home so will probably need a little space and time to adjust and decompress when she gets adopted. This sweet girl so deserves to have a happy life and loving family. If you might be interested in giving this amazing girl the life she deserves, please fill out an adoption application and put her name on it!