I still have a way to go but I wanted to share a bit about me. I was left abandoned at the shelter from a very questionable background. Unable to hold in any food my timeline was cut short at the shelter. Thank goodness Church of Pug said yes to giving me a chance. My foster mom took me to this dog doctor who did not think I had much time left. No one could explain what was happening with me. Luckily my foster mom and the dogtor did not give up on trying to find out what was causing me to be so sick. All I knew ... I was SO HUNGRY, but no matter how much I ate I could not gain weight, and my body was breaking down. Luckily, a special test gave everyone the answer ... I have something called Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) which I guess means my pancreas does not work so well UNLESS I have these awesome enzymes that help me absorb nutrients AND I am FINALLY feeling full and getting healthy and strong. Even with all of these things I can proudly say I am completely potty trained. No accidents for me. I like my space ... and I gravitate to the cat vs. the other dogs in the house. I sleep through the night and when I want to be pet or cuddle, I put up my paw and gently grab your hand or arm. I am still unsure about people ... I don't like to be picked up ... so when I want on the couch I growl when I go from floor to next to you ... but then I stop. If I am not sure what you are doing or your intentions, I will growl. It's my way to say I'm uncomfortable but I would never hurt anyone, I swear. I am really trying to behave like a dog who is loved, vs a dog who was hurt. I believe I can learn to trust again I just hope my forever home has the patience to help me get to that happy place. For my comfort a home with kids and wild hyper pups would not suit me. I prefer the calmer of the pack and the kitty cat. I know I will find my forever family when I am healthy enough. Until then big woofs from me, Marty.
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