I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available Bonded With: Bella

Barley is an active senior who loves her Bella the most with her people and other furry friends a close second. She is more sensitive to new surroundings but warms up slowly over time. She loves giving kisses and head rubs are her favorite. She is learning to snuggle on the couch (something she wasn't allowed in her previous home) but mostly enjoys relaxing on her dog beds. She is showing a bit of weakness in her back area but it doesn't stop her from running and playing with Bella. She will leave a few poop nuggets now and then because her lack of feeling in that area sometimes sneaks up on her. We are learning that a potty routine cuts down on these little presents. She LOVES food so it makes for an easy reward when it comes to bathes, nails, ears, etc. Barley isn't a barker (she wasn't allowed to bark in previous home) but will talk to you once in awhile when something is on her mind. This girl is a gem and would fit in with most moderately active families that are willing to talk a bit louder when needed since her hearing isn't the best. But her eyes and nose are on point and she will watch you like a hawk!

  • Pug
  • Female
  • Senior (109 - 240 Months)My DoB is 12/13/2011
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Montana
  • Apricot
  • Gentle and Friendly
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like Select Dogs
  • I Like All Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Livestock
  • I'm Trained
  • $ 100.00
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