I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

I am about 15 pounds of love! I match energy, so if you’re feeling like a walk, I’m feeling like a walk! If you want to be a couch potato, I will be right by your side. I like my crate a lot so we can both have our own beds. I am a shy guy, but I come out of my shell when I realize I’m safe. Will you be my safe space?

  • Chihuahua & Mix
  • Male
  • Adult (61 - 108 Months)My DoB is 08/07/2018 (Estimated)
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Red & White
  • Couch Potato
  • Not Tested With Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I Like All Cats
  • $ 300.00
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