I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

I was just brought into the rescue after being surrended by my previous owner.  My new foster mom is learning all about me and will post updates as we get comfortable with each other.

Right now, don't let my super flattering photos fool you!  I am a chonky monkey at 27# and will be starting a healthly diet and exercise regime right away!  Fake mama says in my previous home I was allowed to eat cat food as well as human food (delicious).  I have proven to be a bit of a picky eater when presented with a healthier diet.  Fake mama says "well, you'll eat when you get hungry enough and it's not like you're wasting away."   Rude!

I impressed my new foster parents on the drive home by singing the song of my people in the car because I was a bit concerned.  When I went to the vet for my check up though, I was quiet and very good.  I do have a lovely "baying hound" type of voice though much, much lower in volume.  I slept nicely next to foster mama all night but now foster dad is preferred person.  Actually whoever's available works....

From Fake Mama:  When she arrived to us she had a raging UTI so quickly got on antibiotics as is already starting to feel better.  There were some piddle accidents the first day but as that UTI clears up she's not had a single accident.  She's also very stubborn about going outside if she doesn't have to go.  She can "hold it" for hours!  She's also happy to snooze on the couch if you have to leave the house for errands.  

She was very social today at pug group and met everyone and even asked for pets from a child!  She was happy to just toddle around, say hi to people and meet the other doggies, explore and then was ready to go home.  She was a very good girl!

Regina does have some tracheal issues which is typical of an older, overweight pug.  She can go for short walks - Pug Pace Only please!  But she should avoid strenous exercise.  Getting her to a healthier weight should help quite a bit.  She also rarely sings anymore.  I think it was just being in a new home and everything was strange to her.  She's a very sweet girl with a stubborn streak!  Typical conversation "Gina honey, do you need to go outside?"  NO!  "Are you sure?"  YES!  GO AWAY!  

Thanks for considering a rescue dog!

  • Pug & Pug
  • Female
  • Senior (109 - 240 Months)My DoB is 01/01/2015 (Estimated)
  • 21 - 30 Pounds
  • Washington
  • Fawn & Fawn
  • Couch Potato
  • I Like Kids Over 6
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I Like All Cats
  • I Like All Small Animals
  • I Am Good with Livestock
  • I'm Trained
  • Select Format 300.00
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